
Manutek enables you to run your business smoothly, without any hindrances. Our services include:

IT Solutions

We have consulted several software product/service providers across several industries, offering customized solutions that are perfectly tailored to their requirements, taking into account their specific business, domain and financial constraints. We offer IT Planning and Analysis, Project Management, Multi-tier Application Design, Development, and Deployment, and Enterprise-level Website Development.

Data Management

We have established effective and efficient systems to help our clients work with big data sets that are too complex for traditional systems to breakdown. Our systems ensure that critical information is inferred from the data in timely fashion, thus enabling our clients proceed in the right direction. We offer Data/Process Modeling, Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence, and Database Consulting, Design and Administration.

Business Consulting

We enable our clients to get ahead of their competitors with the help of valuable data analysis. We define a client’s stance in their industry, review and improve upon internal processes to enable external growth. We breakdown data, analyze it, and map out the best course of action. We offer Business Communications Consulting, Network Assessment, Architecture, Telecom, and Data Communications Consulting, Systems Management, Security, and Performance Consulting, and Business Process Re-engineering.

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